Alkira Secondary College — School in Cranbourne North

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Alkira Secondary College

School at 15 Nurture Ave, Cranbourne North VIC 3977, Australia, Cranbourne North, Victoria, 3977 . Here you will find detailed information about Alkira Secondary College: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 11 reviews


15 Nurture Ave, Cranbourne North VIC 3977, Australia, Cranbourne North, Victoria, 3977
Cranbourne North

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About Alkira Secondary College

Alkira Secondary College is a Australian School based in Cranbourne North, Victoria. Alkira Secondary College is located at 15 Nurture Ave, Cranbourne North VIC 3977, Australia,

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Reviews of Alkira Secondary College

  • Jack
    Added 2016.09.01
    Took the school nearly 2 years just to stop someone from punching and kicking me every time they saw me, Chinese teacher literally didn't give a damn about me falling asleep in class (hell, he didn't care that I wasn't even doing majority of the work). All it takes is for one student to misbehave and the whole class is punished, even if its raining/freezing outside you still have to wear the summer uniform (same goes for when there's a pretty hot day during the period where you're only allowed to wear the winter uniform). The students are really bad there, the way they treat other students is appalling (unless you've known them for some time or you fit into their type (not overly sure what you'd call it)). Some students will even ask inappropriate or personal questions (like "do you masturbate?"), there are even times where they'll keep asking you the question (regardless if you're telling the truth, a popular one that is asked is "Who do you have a crush on?". If you say no one, you'll be asked again and again.
  • Logan
    Added 2015.02.24
    Bullying is something that Alkira approves of and endorses it, They might tell you that's not true, however when it comes to actually doing anything about bullying, they take their sweet ass time to actually do anything about it. Students at Alkira will get away with anything, even showing porn to a minor (I actually have no idea if the female student got in trouble for it, as I was never informed or had to tell my side of the story to police. So I'm left to assume that she got away with it).
  • Caleb
    Added 2014.07.10
    Teachers here will be blatantly racist and wont face any consequences when accusations are made, instead will be defended by other staff to keep their jobs. Teachers like Ms Webbe can get away with not only bullying students but going as far as bringing ethnicity and religion into things. If you want your children to learn in a safe environment then Alkira is not the place. After the way my son was treated i would not at all recommend you bring your children here.
  • Dominic
    Added 2014.06.07
    If anything happens at Alkira, don't go to the staff as they don't seem to give a damn. Go straight to the authorities (that is if the matter in question is something that the police can get involved in).
  • Alyssa
    Added 2014.05.08
    The school that I moved to even told me that they get alot of students (that left Alkira due to bullying) from Alkira.
  • Jackson
    Added 2014.05.03
    Not sure if this is true, but I did hear that Alkira apparently holds your school records hostage (older sibling had a friend leaving the school for another or something and apparently Alkira wouldn't hand over their school records, while I can't prove this act to be true. It could be something to be cautious about).
  • Christopher
    Added 2014.03.13
    I did attend this school, left during while I was in year 9 or 10.
  • Richard
    Added 2014.01.09
    This school was horrible. I went there for one year and I'm already moving. Teachers don't know how to even handle classes. I remember this time where the whole class had to sit in silence for 80 minutes in maths class just because some boys were messing around. I got called names by a teacher and the school did absolutely NOTHING about it. Me and my friends even found condoms on the floor........ this school is trash. I'd rather go to p-12
  • Tyler
    Added 2013.11.12
    Alkira is a school full of shallow students who care about nothing but their vainity and social media. Some teachers do not teach at all and make offensive comments. Some are sexist and/or racist. Teachers tell you that you will never do anything with your life. Teachers make fun of students for things they have no control over and can not change. Teachers and students swear at each other, students smoke inside the school at lunch. Girls P.E classes are horrible they make you play netball or dance while the boys class get to play soccer, football, basketball and boxing. Students pull fire alarms, graffiti, bring weapons and harm animals. If you actually want to learn do not come to Alkira, you will regret it!
  • John
    Added 2013.07.10
    As for the food, I wouldn't know as I never had a reason to go to the canteen.
  • Jose
    Added 2013.06.23
    This is a nice school although some of the students are very racist and mean towards asians. This school is good but it can be improved in some ways
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